Select which resources should be served by the API
The central concept of the Kopflos is the Resource Shape
. Its main purpose is to define which resources should be served by the API and how they should be served. Resource Shapes reuse some SHACL concepts.
Serving all instances of a class
To have all instances of a class served by the API, define a shape that targets that class with sh:targetClass
PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX kopflos: <>
PREFIX ex: <>
a kopflos:ResourceShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:Foo ;
<foo> a ex:Foo . # will be served by the API
<bar> a ex:Foo . # will be served by the API
<baz> a ex:Baz . # will not be served by the API
Serving specific instances
To serve only specific instances of a class, define a shape that targets those instances with sh:targetNode
PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX kopflos: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
a kopflos:ResourceShape ;
sh:targetNode <foo>, <bar> ;
<foo> rdfs:label "foo" . # will be served by the API
<bar> rdfs:label "bar" . # will be served by the API
<baz> rdfs:label "baz" . # will not be served by the API
Serving objects of a property
In some scenarios, it is useful to assign a specific handler to objects of a resource property.
To do so, define a shape that targets the property with sh:property/sh:path
and assign a kopflos:handler
to that Property Shape.
PREFIX ex: <>
PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX kopflos: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
a kopflos:ResourceShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:Foo ;
sh:property [
sh:path <foo#export> ;
kopflos:handler [
# ...
] ;
] ;
a ex:Foo ;
<foo#export> <foo/export> ; # <foo/export> will be served by the API
<foo#import> <foo/import> ; # but <foo/import> will not