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Select which resources should be served by the API

The central concept of the Kopflos is the Resource Shape. Its main purpose is to define which resources should be served by the API and how they should be served. Resource Shapes reuse some SHACL concepts.

Serving all instances of a class

To have all instances of a class served by the API, define a shape that targets that class with sh:targetClass.

PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX kopflos: <>
PREFIX ex: <>

a kopflos:ResourceShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:Foo ;

<foo> a ex:Foo . # will be served by the API
<bar> a ex:Foo . # will be served by the API
<baz> a ex:Baz . # will not be served by the API

Serving specific instances

To serve only specific instances of a class, define a shape that targets those instances with sh:targetNode.

PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX kopflos: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>

a kopflos:ResourceShape ;
sh:targetNode <foo>, <bar> ;

<foo> rdfs:label "foo" . # will be served by the API
<bar> rdfs:label "bar" . # will be served by the API
<baz> rdfs:label "baz" . # will not be served by the API

Serving objects of a property

In some scenarios, it is useful to assign a specific handler to objects of a resource property.

To do so, define a shape that targets the property with sh:property/sh:path and assign a kopflos:handler to that Property Shape.

PREFIX ex: <>
PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX kopflos: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>

a kopflos:ResourceShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:Foo ;
sh:property [
sh:path <foo#export> ;
kopflos:handler [
# ...
] ;
] ;

a ex:Foo ;
<foo#export> <foo/export> ; # <foo/export> will be served by the API
<foo#import> <foo/import> ; # but <foo/import> will not