Load API description
A Kopflos API is composed of triples that describe the API's structure and behavior. These triples need to be loaded into the API's store before the API can be used.
Load from named graphs
The simplest and recommended way to load the API is to use named graphs. A single API can be loaded from multiple named graphs, and there can be multiple APIs served from a single Kopflos instance. Use the code below to load the API from named graphs:
import Kopflos from '@kopflos-cms/core'
let config
const api = new Kopflos(config)
await Kopflos.fromGraphs(api, 'http://example.com/api1', 'http://example.com/api2', 'http://example.com/shared')
RDF/JS NamedNode objects can be used as well.
The given named graphs will be loaded from the default SPARQL endpoint.
Initialise with preloaded data
If you have the API triples in memory, you can initialise the API with it directly:
import Kopflos from '@kopflos-cms/core'
let config
let dataset: DatasetCore
const api = new Kopflos(config, { dataset })