Serve virtual resources
In addition to sh:targetNode
and sh:targetClass
, a specialised target can be used to match
resources based on URL patterns. Such resources do not have to exist as triples in the database
but can be generated on-the-fly by the server.
For example, if you have a collection resource, such as
, and you would
like to implement pagination using URL query parameters, you can define a patterned target to match
requests to
, etc.
PREFIX code: <>
PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX kl: <>
a kl:ResourceShape ;
a kl:PatternedTarget ;
# Capture the page number in the URL
kl:regex "/projects(/(?<page>\\d+))?" ;
] ;
a kl:Handler ;
kl:method "GET" ;
a code:EcamScriptModule ;
code:link <file:handler/projects.js#getCollection> ;
# Pass the page number as an argument to the handler
code:arguments ( "${page}"^^code:EcmaScriptTemplateLiteral ) ;
] ;
] ;
] .
The pattern is matched against the path part of the URL only.
By taking advantage of named capture groups in the regular expression, you can extract parts of the
URL. They can also be accessed programmatically from subjectVariables
in a handler.
import { Handler } from '@kopflos-cms/core'
export function getCollection (page: string): Handler {
return ({ subjectVariables }) => {
// === page
Currently only regular expression patterns are supported. In a future release support for RFC6570 URI templates and express-style will be added.