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Implement parametrised handlers

Positional arguments

It is possible to parametrise a handler so that it can be more easily adapted to various use cases.

For example, a handler which runs queries could be configured to run against different endpoints configured in the app. To use such a handler, we can pass the endpoint as a parameter. That is done by adding a list or object of code:arguments property inside the implementation node.

PREFIX code: <>
PREFIX kl: <>

a kl:Handler ;
code:implementedBy [
a code:EcmaScriptModule ;
code:link <file:handler/query.js#runQuery> ;
code:arguments ( "wikidata" ) ;
] ;
] .

The handler implementation can then access the arguments as a parameters passed to the handler factory.

// handler/query.js#runQuery
import type { Handler } from '@kopflos-cms/core'

export function runQuery (endpointName: string): Handler {
return ({ env }) => {
const endpoint = env.sparql[endpointName]
if (!endpoint) {
throw new Error(`Unknown endpoint: ${endpointName}`)

// Run the query against the endpoint

Named arguments

Named arguments are also supported.

PREFIX code: <>
PREFIX arg: <>
PREFIX kl: <>

a kl:Handler ;
code:implementedBy [
a code:EcmaScriptModule ;
code:link <file:handler/query.js#runQuery> ;
code:arguments [
arg:endpointName "wikidata" ;
] ;
] ;
] .

The handler implementation can then access the arguments as a parameters passed to the handler factory.

// handler/query.js#runQuery
import type { Handler } from '@kopflos-cms/core'

export function runQuery ({ endpointName }): Handler {
return ({ env }) => {
const endpoint = env.sparql[endpointName]
if (!endpoint) {
throw new Error(`Unknown endpoint: ${endpointName}`)

// Run the query against the endpoint