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Configure resource loaders

As explained on the Request pipeline page, early in the request pipeline, Kopflos selects a resource loader to load the requested resource's Core Representation.

Resource Loaders can be declared on instances of kopflos:ResourceShape, kopflos:Api, and kopflos:Config resources.

Predefined loaders

Kopflos recognizes two loaders out of the box. They are identified by their shorthand identifiers.

Own graph loader

The "Own Graph" loader is the default. It loads the named graph for the requested resource. For example, a request to will load the entire named graph as Core Representation.

PREFIX kopflos: <>

# a kopflos:ResourceShape ; # or
# a kopflos:Api ; # or
# a kopflos:Config ;
kopflos:resourceLoader kopflos:OwnGraphLoader ;


The DESCRIBE loader is a built-in loader that uses the SPARQL DESCRIBE query to load the requested resource. The loader will issue a DESCRIBE query to the default SPARQL endpoint.

PREFIX kopflos: <>

# a kopflos:ResourceShape ; # or
# a kopflos:Api ; # or
# a kopflos:Config ;
kopflos:resourceLoader kopflos:DescribeLoader ;

Loader precedence

Kopflos selects a loader based on the kopflos:resourceLoader property, going bottom-up from the Resource Shape to the shared kopflos:Config resource.

PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX kopflos: <>
PREFIX ex: <>

a kopflos:ResourceShape ;
kopflos:api ex:PeopleApi ;
sh:targetNode ex:Person ;
kopflos:resourceLoader ex:ResourceLoader1 ;

a kopflos:ResourceShape ;
kopflos:api ex:PeopleApi ;
sh:targetNode ex:Person ;

a kopflos:Api ;
kopflos:config ex:Config ;
kopflos:resourceLoader ex:ResourceLoader2 ;

kopflos:api ex:PublishingApi ;
sh:targetNode ex:Article ;

a kopflos:Api ;
kopflos:config ex:Config ;

a kopflos:Config ;
kopflos:resourceLoader ex:ResourceLoader3 ;

The algorithm is straightforward. For any given matched resource shape, Kopflos will:

  1. Check if the resource shape has a kopflos:resourceLoader property. If it does, Kopflos will use the loader specified in the property.
  2. If the resource shape does not have a kopflos:resourceLoader property, Kopflos will look for the kopflos:resourceLoader property in the resource's API resource.
  3. If the API resource does not have a kopflos:resourceLoader property, Kopflos will look for the kopflos:resourceLoader property in the linked kopflos:Config resource.

In the example above:

  • If a requested resource matches the ex:PersonShape, Kopflos will use ex:ResourceLoader1 from the resource shape itself.
  • If a requested resource matches the ex:AddressShape, Kopflos will use ex:ResourceLoader2 from the API resource.
  • If a requested resource matches the ex:ArticleShape, Kopflos will use ex:ResourceLoader3 from the Config resource.

Implementing and using custom Resource Loaders

A loader is a function that takes the requested URI (in the form of a NamedNode) and returns a Core Representation as an RDF/JS Stream. It also takes a second argument: the instance of Kopflos that is processing the request.

For example, here is a loader which sends a request query to a Stardog database, with a query hint to ensure that the Concise Bounded Description (CBD) is returned.

// src/resource-loaders/stardog-loaders.ts
import type { ResourceLoader } from '@kopflos-cms/core'

export const CBD: ResourceLoader = async (uri, kopflos) => {
const query = `
#pragma describe.strategy cbd
DESCRIBE <${uri.value}>`


To use it as the default in an API, declare the loader in the API's configuration:

PREFIX code: <>
PREFIX kopflos: <>
PREFIX ex: <>

a kopflos:Config ;
a code:EcmaScriptModule ;
code:link <file:src/resource-loaders/stardog-loaders.js#CBD> ;
] ;