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Request handlers

Depending on the kind of Resource Shape matched to the request, different arguments will be passed to the handler.

Subject handlers

PREFIX kl: <>
PREFIX sh: <>

a kl:ResourceShape ;
kl:api <> ;
sh:targetClass </api/schema/Plaque> ;

a kl:ResourceShape ;
kl:api <> ;
sh:targetNode </about-page.html> ;

The most common kind of request, when a resource is matched by its URL (sh:targetNode) or class ( sh:targetClass).

Such handlers will receive as the first argument an object in the form of this interface.

interface SubjectHandlerArgs {
resourceShape: GraphPointer<NamedNode, D>
env: KopflosEnvironment
subject: GraphPointer<NamedNode, D>
subjectVariables: Record<string, string>
body: Body<D>
query: Query
headers: IncomingHttpHeaders

Object handlers

PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX kl: <>

a kl:ResourceShape ;
kl:api <> ;
sh:path </api/schema/tags> ;
a kl:Handler ;
kl:method "GET" ;
# ...
] ;
] ;

Requests matched to objects by following resource shape properties additionally receive the predicate and the object.

interface ObjectHandlerArgs extends SubjectHandlerArgs {
property: NamedNode
object: GraphPointer<NamedNode, D>

Note that the object is the requested resource and the subject is the subject in the respective triple. This differs from subject handlers where the subject is the requested resource.

Subject variables

Requests matched to a patterned target will fill the subjectVariables with values extracted from the URL pattern.

PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX kl: <>

a kl:ResourceShape ;
kl:api <> ;
a kl:PatternedTarget ;
kl:regex "/page/person/(?<id>.+)$" ;
] ;

Requesting /page/person/123/abc will result in the following subjectVariables:

"id": "123/abc"