Kopflos can be configured via a configuration file, which can be in various formats and locations. If not provided, it will try various default locations:
key inpackage.json
(YAML or JSON).kopflosrc.(json|yaml|yml|js|ts|mjs|cjs)
- any of the above in
directory kopflos.config.(js|ts|mjs|cjs)
interface KopflosConfig {
mode?: 'development' | 'production'
// Base IRI for the API and all its resources
baseIri: string
// SPARQL endpoints. `default` endpoint is required.
sparql: {
default: string | import('sparql-http-client/StreamClient.js').Options
[key: string]: string | import('sparql-http-client/StreamClient.js').Options
// Named graphs which contain the API description.
apiGraphs: Array<NamedNode | string>
// Base path for resolving `code:link` imports
codeBase?: string
// Plugin configuration
plugins?: Record<string, unknown>
// Custom configuration variables
variables?: Record<string, unknown>
Variables can additionally be provided via CLI options, and they will override the configuration file.
"variables": {
"foo": "foo",
"bar": "bar"
kopflos --variable bar=baz
The above will result in the following variables:
"foo": "foo",
"bar": "baz"
They can be accessed from the KopflosEnvironment. In handler, for example:
import {Handler} from 'kopflos'
export default (): Handler => ({env}) => {
const {foo, bar} = env.kopflos.config.variables
They can also be used to parametrise handlers
a kl:ResourceShape ;
a kl:Handler ;
kl:method "GET" ;
a code:EcmaScriptModule ;
code:link <file:handler/foobar.js#default> ;
) ;
] ;
] ;