barnard59 graph-store
barnard59 graph-store --help
Usage: barnard59 graph-store [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
put [options] Upload RDF documents using SPARQL Graph Store Protocol
help [command] display help for command
put command
barnard59.js graph-store put --help
Usage: barnard59 graph-store put [options]
Upload RDF documents using SPARQL Graph Store Protocol
--source <source> Glob of RDF documents to upload
--graph <graph>
--endpoint <endpoint>
--user <user>
--password <password>
--variable <name=value> variable key value pairs (default: {})
--variable-all Import all environment variables
-v, --verbose enable diagnostic console output
-h, --help display help for command
Required option
When setting the value of --source
make sure to wrap it in quotation to prevent the shell from expanding the globbed path.
barnard59 graph-store put --source "data/*.ttl"
Required option
The URL of the target graph. If not given, the graph will be taken directly from the data stream.
When uploading RDF graph documents (n3, turtle, n-triples), the default graph will be used.
When uploading RDF dataset documents, the graphs will be used exactly as they are in the data.