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barnard59 CLI

Main options

> barnard59 --help    

Usage: barnard59 [options] [command]

--variable <name=value> variable key value pairs (default: {})
--variable-all Import all environment variables
-v, --verbose enable diagnostic console output
--enable-buffer-monitor enable histogram of buffer usage
--otel-debug <level> Enable OpenTelemetry console diagnostic output (choices: "NONE", "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG", "VERBOSE", "ALL", default: "ERROR")
--otel-metrics-exporter <exporter> OpenTelemetry Metrics exporter to use (choices: "otlp", "none", default: "none")
--otel-metrics-interval <milliseconds> Export Metrics interval (default: 10000)
--otel-traces-exporter <exporter> OpenTelemetry Traces exporter to use (choices: "otlp", "none", default: "none")
-h, --help display help for command

run [options] <filename>
help [command] display help for command

The options --variable, --variable-all and --verbose are also available on every sub-command


Sets the value of a single pipeline variable

barnard59 --variable foo=bar run pipeline.ttl

The above will set the value bar to pipeline variable foo


TODO: Create a page about pipeline variables


Sometimes it's tedious to map multiple variables from the environment on by one. --variable-all maps all environment variables automatically.

FOO=bar BAR=baz barnard59 --variable-all run pipeline.ttl

The above will set the variables FOO and BAR alongside any other environment variable from the current shell.


Set once, increases the logging level to WARN. Set twice or thrice, increases logging level further to DEBUG and TRACE respectively.

barnard59 -vv run pipeline.ttl

run command

barnard59 run --help

Usage: barnard59 run [options] <filename>

--output [filename] output file (default: "-")
--pipeline [iri] IRI of the pipeline description
--variable <name=value> variable key value pairs (default: {})
--variable-all Import all environment variables
-v, --verbose enable diagnostic console output
-h, --help display help for command



Required argument

Path to the pipeline definition

barnard59 run pipeline/main.ttl


If the pipeline definition contains multiple pipelines or sub-pipelines, it is necessary to provide the URL of the root pipeline to run

barnard59 run pipeline/main.ttl --pipeline

Package-specific commands

When add to a project, certain barnard59 packages install additional commands which run canned pipelines those packages provide.

See the sub-pages for their details and How-To: Extend barnard59 CLI for instructions on adding dynamic pipeline commands to your barnard59 package.