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Remove meta CSVW triples

The CSVW specification requires the output to produce certain meta-triples which annotate the resulting data with its origin in the source files (table + row number).

This greatly increases the total output by adding 4 triples for every CSV row, and it's unnecessary in many scenarios.

To easily remove these triples, as of version 1.0.1 the barnard59-csvw package exports a simple filter function which can be used with barnard59-base/filter.js:

@prefix code: <> .
@prefix p: <> .

<transform> a p:Pipeline, p:ReadableObjectMode ;
) ;
] ;

_:removeCsvwTriples a p:Step ;
a code:EcmaScriptModule ;
code:link <node:barnard59-base/filter.js#default> ;
] ;
a code:EcmaScriptModule ;
code:link <node:barnard59-csvw/filter.js#excludeCsvwTriples> ;
) ;