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Obviously you want to convert your own data. To do that, barnard59 provides a bunch of default features in so called operations. To understand how you can add your own steps and pipelines, consult the barnard59 readme.

Technically, operations are just normal JavaScript functions which return streams (sync or async). The special thing about the operations in barnard59 packages is the interface (named arguments) and that they are adapted to the use-case.

This becomes more clear by having a look at one of the packages, barnard59-ftp: From an FTP client library in JavaScript one would expect that we have to create an instance, maybe call connect and then read files. The barnard59 package provides a function that does all this in a single function call. However, there are existing functions that can be integrated with only little or (almost) no additional wrapping. This is for example the case for reading and writing files, where only the fs.create*Stream-functions are used with index arguments.

While barnard59 is written in JavaScript, nothing stops you of integrating operators in other languages. barnard59-tdb for example is wrapping Java based tooling. You can also use existing Node.js wrappers for other libraries which can be found in package registries like npm. In the future, we plan to support other languages as well with virtual machine based approaches like WebAssembly and/or GraalVM.

You do not have to write a full barnard59 operator if you just want to manipulate some of the data, for that you can for example use the filter() and map() functions of the barnard59-base package.

The following operators are available.


  • barnard59: The base package of barnard59. This is typically the default dependency for npm and it provides the barnard59 executable used to run the pipeline on command line.
  • barnard59-core: The core component to create and run pipelines.
  • barnard59-base: This package provides basic operations like filterand mapfor pipelines. Operations that are used all the time.

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